Catch us in Spokane!

posted on Aug 2, 2019 by L James

We have two conventions coming up in August: SpoCon and Spokanthro. If you’re in the Spokane, WA area, come find us this month!

We’re dealers at SpoCon, and we’re gonna have a ton of new merch that we’re trying out. If all goes well, we plan to add new stickers, prints, accessories, and even plushies to our shop. Keep an eye out, and if you’re at SpoCon stop by and tell us what you think!

At Spokanthro we’ll just be attending and scoping out this first year con to see if we want to permanently add it to our list. Their dealer’s den filled up before we nabbed a spot, but if one of the dealers doesn’t show up I might sneak around and see if I can weasel (har har) us in there. No promises, but you might at least find us attending!

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