Help us catch bugs!

posted on May 13, 2019 by L James

In case you didn’t notice, we recently made some major site updates. A lot of things may not look too different, but we’re up and running 100% on WordPress instead of shaky homebrew code. This will allow us to bring you a more integrated experience with an on-site shop, built-in memberships, and other features we couldn’t pull off on our original site. It also makes it easier for us to update our stories and keep the site altogether more secure.

With a major site update, though, comes one big problem: the potential for bug infestations. I did my best to find bugs before and after this update, but it’s possible some have escaped my notice. And if you find any, we’re offering prizes!

Bugs to look for

Here’s a list of potential bugs you could find:

Unsecure pages – 1 point
Especially with an on-site shop, we want to ensure all parts of the site are secure. If you find a page with an “unsecure” warning next to the URL, let us know so we can make sure all content is being served securely.
Broken links and missing pages – 1 point
Some links may not work as they’re supposed to. You get one point for each link you alert us to that leads to a nonexistent page.
Missing or broken image, video, or audio – 5 points
Images and other media files are basically the backbone of Azdion’s storytelling. If you come across an image or other file your browser can’t load, let us know right away!
Page display problem (broken CSS or HTML) – 5 points
If a page just doesn’t look the way you think it should, it could be a problem with the code that displays it. Send us a link to the page, describe the issue, and include information about your browser and device.
Server error – 5 Points
This often presents as a “500” or similar error, or can look like a blank page or database error. Please let us know if you find any pages like this, and how you got to them.
Shop error – 10 points
This includes anything that goes wrong when using our revamped shop. We take these seriously, because when you’re paying money you should expect the very best experience.
Membership error – 10 points
This includes any errors in purchasing, renewing, and using a membership, including issues accessing exclusive content.
Other bugs – ??? points
If you see any other issues that don’t look like the above bug types, we still want to know! We’ll assign points based on how serious the bug seems.

You can report bugs using our contact form, using the “Error Report” category. Note we’ll be using your email address to keep a record of your points earned, so we’ll be storing at least a small amount of personal information about you. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

Prizes and incentives

Memberships is a new feature we’re testing – if you’d like to join up and help us test it, we’re offering 50% off all memberships for the first month with the coupon code “BUGCATCHING2019“. Please note this doesn’t include Patreon-based memberships, because of how they’re set up with this site.

In addition to this, we also want to offer prizes that can be redeemed for your bug-catching points. Although we don’t have a concrete list yet, this will probably include discounts, special posts and content, and maybe even freebies. We appreciate your help and want to make this worth it to you, so feel free to drop us suggestions on how you’d like to be rewarded for your efforts.

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