Sprint Review: December 20 – January 02, 2022

posted on Jan 2, 2022 by Meg James

This post is a review of the sprint taking place December 20, 2021, to January 02, 2022. The task in this sprint was for Bleakpoint Incident.

The tasks

Yes, it was only one task, but given the holiday season this seemed like a responsible undertaking. The task got finished! I drafted the script for chapter 4. It’s a slightly short chapter, but it accomplishes what it needs to do.

Next sprint

The next sprint will include the first draft scripts for Bleakpoint Incident chapters 5 and 6. January is shaping up to be busy, but I’m determined to make time for story work.

Thanks for joining us again for this sprint! Check out the “Projects” tab in the site header to see the Story Lab. That’s where you’ll see the progress on our current sprint.

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