Sprint Review: January 31 – February 13, 2022

posted on Feb 13, 2022 by Meg James

This post is a review of the sprint taking place January 31, 2022, to February 13, 2022. The tasks in this sprint were related to Bleakpoint Incident and Bottle World.

The tasks

This sprint included the rough draft scripts for Bleakpoint Incident chapters 9 and 10. These did not get finished – in fact, they were barely started – in this sprint. I realized over the past few chapters that there were several things I would want to edit, and it would be hard to continue going ahead without making those edits first. I started doing so this past sprint, but I have yet to finish. The rough draft scripts for chapters 9 and 10 will be put off for a later sprint, with this sprint focusing on adjusting some pacing issues, rearranging some events, and working on some second drafts of earlier chapters as needed.

This sprint also included the script for a Bottle World minicomic! It’s the first minicomic in a 5-part series. I did get this script done, and since these are relatively quick and easy, I’ll shoot for the second part’s script this week, and maybe thumbnails for the first part.

It wasn’t on the sprint, but some exciting news is that I received a proof for Bottle World: The Key Suspect! It’s almost perfect; just a little bit dark. I may try to adjust the colors slightly and send for another proof.

Next sprint

The next sprint will include quite a bit of work on Bleakpoint Incident, including some outline adjustments (to address the pacing issues) and second drafts of several chapters so far. I will also work on the script for BW:WFYB 2, and the thumbnails for BW:WFYB 1. Another task will be the colors edits on The Key Suspect, after which I can order a new proof. I may also start working on files for an ebook version and a web version of The Key Suspect.

Thanks for joining us again for this sprint! Check out the “Projects” tab in the site header to see the Story Lab. That’s where you’ll see the progress on our current sprint.

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