6B: Quick, steer your lilypad the other way!

A Narrow River A narrower river - it merges into a stream which goes downhill.

You jerk your lilypad away from the waterfall and manage to access the fork in the river. Whew! It's a lot narrower through here and the plants are thick along the riverbank. The river goes downhill, but at least it's not a waterfall.

Fallen Tree A fallen tree on the side of the river

What's this? A very old tree has fallen over by the river - you could possibly climb onto it and get to shore. But then you'd have to leave your lilypad, and there may be no other way down this river.

Decisions, decisions!

Climb onto the tree. There might be more lilypads that float by, but you only see one fallen tree on this river.

Might as well go down!

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