Marrow Hole (pages 11-12)


… As it stepped into the dim light from behind a case of medical supplies, he realized that it was not a rodent or a spider, but a much tinier goblin – it scarcely seemed possible, given the diminutive stature of the professional before him. But this goblin was clearly a child, and likely a rather young one. As Gareth figured he should have expected, its right eye was a brilliant fire-red, surrounded by mismatching skin that nearly glowed in the dark.

“My apprentice, Dreksa,” stated the medic, as the tiny goblin stepped forward. “She was blinded in an accident and I could not repair the damage. But of my apprentices, she showed the most promise for learning to speak and read Escali. This is valuable in our work. So I offered her injured eye as host to a demon, and it has restored her vision, at least partially.”

Gareth couldn’t help but stare at the young apprentice, whose mismatched eyes stared back, unblinking.

“The effects are minimal. Dreksa has some trouble focusing her eyes together, but the visual acuity itself is restored – maybe better than it was before.”

“And,” Gareth stammered, trying to find his voice again. “There are no… other effects? Strange effects?”

The medic turned silently to look at her apprentice, who returned her gaze – first with her left eye, then with her … [cont.]

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